“Good coffee, great friends, endless moments.”
Coffee Varieties
Luqaimat is one of the most popular Arabic dishes, and for a good reason! this one is our customer favourite. This is an authentic recipe of Luqaimat, featuring flavours from the Middle East, and it requires minimal ingredients to give you one of the tastiest desserts you’ve ever had!
Our delicious Chabab is always distinct from other foods, gourmet and flavoursome dishes. Chebab is an Emirati version of the pancakes. It is very similar to pancakes with a slight difference in thickness aswell as in the addition of yeast, cardamom and turmeric to the dough.
a bite of mini pancake makes our customers feel welcome at Friends Cafe. A perfect meal for brunch especially for kids. We make these Mini Pancakes in every flavour so if you’re looking for a variety of flavours then you are in the right place.
Tea is an important drink in the Arab world and is usually served with breakfast, after lunch, and with dinner. UAE's most loved tea is Ishtikana Tea, which is unique and remains unsurpassed to this day. our classy and well-served Ishtikana Tea is distinctive and tasty.
A place where you can try the most delicious charcoal ever had in life. With variety flavour likes of Mexican Spicy, Peri Peri, Pepper, Green Chilly, etc. It remains the customer's most liked food.
Muddle the lime juice, sugar and mint leave in a small jug, crushing the mint and other ingredients, Friends Cafe's Mojito is super tasty. Endless flavours and mouth-watering taste make a complete relief for the thirsty customer
Our own secret sauce is salient for our success. each food contains a special recipe and a special ingredient. variety of sauces makes the customers a different feel and taste.
A stuffed grape leaf which always a favourite dish for emarati’s . Our delicious warkanab gives you a remarkable and delicious taste. A dish made in a precise manner with lots of flavours.
kibbeh is usually made by pounding bulgur wheat together with meat into a fine paste and forming it into balls with toasted pine nuts and spices. Although it's a national dish of Lebanon and Syria, our own kibbeh is pretty much famous in UAE
Our quality dishes are always a choice for the customers. Tea, Coffee, Juice, Burger, Sandwich, Shawarma, Arabic Foods, Chinese.